Vectronics VEC-221K User Manual
Page 26
VEC-221K Instruction Manual
CW Memory Keyer Kit
Sidetone frequency: The factory default sidetone is about 701 Hz. The
sidetone may be programmed from approximately 300 to 1000 Hz to suit
individual tastes. There are two ways of setting the sidetone frequency.
Reverse: Reverses the sense of the left and right paddles. Useful when the
paddle is shared by both left and right handed operators.
Iambic modes A and B: Either mode may be selected. Factory default is
iambic "A" mode.
Serial number: A four digits serial number can be embedded within a message.
Only three digits are sent for numbers less than 1000--use leading zeros when
appropriate. The serial number is automatically post-incremented each time it is
sent (9999 will increment to 0001, skipping 0000 since it is not used) and is
updated in the non-volatile memory when the message is finished. The factory
default is 0001.
Zeros and nines: Zeros and nines in the serial number can be sent in different
ways. The factory defaults are leading zeros as "O" (dah-dah-dah), other zeros
as "0" (dah-dah-dah-dah-dah), and nines as "9" (dah-dah-dah-dah-dit).
Using the Function switch: The Function switch customizes the keyer to your
preferences. To set or change a setting, depress the Function switch. The keyer
acknowledges by sending the Morse character for the letter "F" (di-di-dah-dit).
Keyer functions are entered via the keyer paddles. If an invalid character is
entered, the keyer responds with two beeps. Multiple functions may not be
entered at one time. That is, each function must be individually entered and
preceded by pressing the Function switch. A valid entry is acknowledged by a
single beep. The transmitter key line is disabled during programming. The
function mode maybe exited at any time by pressing the Function switch. The
keyer confirms the exit with two beeps.
toggles between automatic and semi-automatic (bug)
sets iambic mode A or B, where # represents A or B.