Sc2400 operations ‐ welding, Visual weld inspection and adjustments – Tru-Weld SC2400 Arc Welder User Manual
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SC2400 Operations ‐ Welding
Visual Weld Inspection and Adjustments
Good Weld
After shooting the stud, break away ferrule and visually inspect the weld.
The collar should be smooth and even around the entire stud.
Partial Weld
This is when the collar does not extend around the entire perimeter of the
base of the stud. This normally occurs when the weld power is set too low.
Irregular Weld
This is when the collar forms a bumpy or jagged collar around the base of
the weld stud. This normally occurs when the weld time is set too high.
Porous Weld Collar
This usually occurs from the oxidation of the weld pool resulting from the
weld time being set too long and/or the current being too low. Reduce the
current and/or reduce the weld time to correct.
Weld Collar Off‐Center
This is when the collar is heavy or thick on one half of the base of the weld
stud. The stud may also be tilted. This usually results from movement from
the gun during the weld process or the gun not being flush or perpendicular
to the base material during welding.