Connecting control devices – Presentation Switchers PS550 User Manual
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Presentation Switchers, Inc.
Connecting Control Devices
Connecting Control Devices
In addi on to the standard front panel controller, the Series 500 provides addi onal control
methods. Serial (RS-232) and Ethernet provides connec on to third-party controllers such as
Crestron and AMX.
Crestron or AMX Control Systems
Crestron or AMX Control Systems
Connec on to a 3rd party (AMX/Crestron etc) control system can be done via RS232 or Ether-
net. Full informa on on baud rates and IP confi gura on can be found in the “Control Se ngs”
sec on of this Installa on Guide.
The default baud rate for the serial port is 115200 but can be changed through the front panel
interface. Changing baud rates will be discussed later in this Installa on Guide.
Another method for connec ng third-party controllers to the Series 500 is through the Ethernet
port. This device defaults to DHCP for IP address acquisi on. Finding out the IP address and set-
ng the IP address are discussed later in this guide.
Series 500 Display Control
Series 500 Display Control
The Series 500 has a simple control system for controlling a display device (LCD, Plasma, or
Projector) and an electronic screen. The serial port is connected directly to the display device.
Codes are uploaded and stored in the Series 500. When the system is shutdown and a input
source is selected the projector is sent a “power on” command. When the signal is shut down
and signal is lost, the Series 500 issues a “power down” command. Similarly, when the power on
command is issued the Series 500 triggers contact closure #1 and the projec on screen lowers.
When the power down command is issued the Series 500 triggers contact closure #2 to raise
the screen.
Uploading commands to the Series 500 is described in more detail later in this guide.