Setting up pre-alarm function – NEXCOM NViS 2310 User Manual
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Appendix D: Signal Connection of MCU DI/DO
NViS2310 User Manual
Pre-Alarm Function by Event Button,
Pre-Alarm function allows NViS2310 to monitor the environment and make
reaction, even when NViS2310 is turned off.
By monitoring the environment with sensors connected to Event Button and
MCU-DI ports, NViS2310 can react to certain situations. For example, events
triggered by external sensors, such as temperature change, instrusion or
vibration, NViS2310 can react accordingly by turning on the siren or warning
light, and power on automatically for further action against the event.
Setting up Pre-Alarm function
MCU-DI1 is used to initiate Pre-Alarm function, which is usually connected
to the vehicle’s Central Locking System. As such, the Pre-Alarm function on
NViS2310 will be initiated or released based on the locking and unlocking
state of the Central Locking System. For instance, when the Central Locking
System is initiated or released, the Pre-Alarm function on NViS2310 will be
initiated or released, respectively.
Step 1: Enable/Disable Pre-Alarm function in BIOS
Select “Enable” or “Disable”to initiate or terminate Pre-Alarm function.
Step 2: Select the trigger threshold level in BIOS
For vehicles with electric central door lock, check the corresponding trigger
type (negative or positive), then connect MCU-DI1 to Central Locking
System in vehicle.
Negative level: < 3.3V
Positive level: > 3.3V
If the Central Locking System is initiated (locking signal is received) by a
negative signal, select “Low” in the trigger threshold level. Once the Central
Locking System is released by a positive signal, the Pre-Alarm function on
NViS2310 will be released.
If Central Locking System is initiated (locking signal is received) by a positive
signal, select “High” in the trigger threshold level. Once Central Locking
System is released by a negative signal, the Pre-Alarm function on NViS2310
will be released.
MCU-DI1 & MCU-DI2 (source type): 3~12VDC
MCU-DO1 & MCU-DO2 (source type): 3~24VDC