9 advanced chipset features – NEXCOM NEX 852VL2 User Manual
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Therefore, it is recommended that you disable this feature if you are overclocking your system. The risk
of crashing your system is not worth the reduction in EMI. Of course, if EMI reduction is important to
you, enable this feature by all means. But you should reduce the clock speed a little to provide a margin
of safety.
After you have made your selections in the Advanced BIOS Features setup, press <ESC> to go back to the
main screen.
4.9 Advanced Chipset Features
Since the features in this section are related to the chipset in the CPU board and all are optimized, you are
not recommended to change the default settings in the setup table, unless you understand the chipset
This section allows you to configure the system based on the specific features of the installed chipset.
This chipset manage bus speeds and access to system memory resources, such as DRAM and the exter-
nal cache. It also coordinates communications between the conventional ISA bus and the PCI bus. The
default settings have been chosen because they provide the best operating conditions for your system. The
only time you might consider making any changes would be if you discovered that data was being lost while
using your system.
The first chipset settings deal with CPU access to dynamic random access memory (DRAM). The default
timings have been carefully chosen and should only be altered if data is being lost. Such a scenario might
well occur if your system has mixed speed DRAM chips installed so that greater delays may be required
to preserve the integrity of the data held in the slower memory chips.
Selecting Advanced Chipset Features on the main program screen displays this menu:
Figure 4-4: BIOS – Advanced Chipset Features