NEXCOM NEX 852VL2 User Manual
Page 44

Enabled: Activates automatically when the system boots up causing the following warning
message to appear when anything attempts to access the boot sector or hard disk partition table:
Disabled: No warning message will appear when an attempt is made to access the boot sector or
hard disk partition table.
This function is available only for DOS and other operating systems that do not trap INT13. For
complete protection against viruses, install virus software in your operating system and update the
virus definitions regularly.
Many disk diagnostic programs that access the boot sector table can trigger the virus warning
message. If you plan to run such a program, we recommend that you disable the virus warning.
CPU L1 and L2
Cache memory is an additional memory that is much faster than conventional DRAM (system memory).
This BIOS feature is used to enable or disable the processor's Level 1 and Level 2 cache. Naturally, the
default and recommended setting is Enabled.
First/Second/Third Boot Device
BIOS attempts to load the operating system from the devices in the sequence selected. The available
choices are: Floppy, LS120, HDD-0, SCSI, CDROM, HDD-1, HDD-2, HDD-3, ZIP100, USB-FDD, USB-
ZIP, USB-CDROM, USB-HDD, LAN, and Disabled.
Boot Up Floppy Seek
Enable this to allow the system to search for floppy drives during the POST. Disable this item to boot faster.
Boot Up NumLock Status
Toggle between On or Off to control the state of the NumLock key when the system boot. If On, the numeric
keypad is in numeric mode. If Off, the numeric keypad is in cursor control mode.
Typematic Rate Setting
Disk boot sector is to be modified
Type “Y” to accept write or “N” to abort write
Award Software, Inc.