Warning – DT Videolabs PlaybackPro Plus User Manual
Page 13

PlaybackPro Plus User Guide
Page 12
NTP Basics:
NTP is built into Mac OSX and it is used by
the ‘Set Date and Time’ Preference Pane. It
generally acts as a client of an Apple time
server, but can point to a time server on a local
network. Although not an exposed feature in
OSX, it can also be turned into a time server.
NTP is setup by a configuration file called
ntp.conf that is placed in the directory /etc.
Since the /etc directory is hidden from the user,
unix commands are used to copy it into place
via Apple’s terminal application.
Computers should be networked with a gigabit ethernet switch.
The ntp.conf files provided by DT Videolabs assume the use of the 192.168.1.x
address range. Other address ranges may be used, but the client ntp files would have
to be modified.
The server (ntp and SimpleSync) should have the address
PlaybackPro Plus clients should use through All
computers should use net mask All other fields in the Networking
preference panel should generally be left blank unless internet access is absolutely
All other network ports such as Airport (wireless) must be turned off.
Mac OSX supports network
multihoming. Multihoming allows
computers to have multiple
simultaneous network connections
(i.e. wireless and ethernet).
It is very important to only have a
single point of connection between
S i m p l e S y n c ( S e r v e r ) a n d
PlaybackPro Plus (Clients) when
synced together.