Dataman S4 User Manual
Page 5

Introduction to S4 5
memory when you buy your S4 and it will
remain there, because S4's memory is
permanent and continuous for both
programs and data.
The only reasons for loading a LIBRARY are to
upgrade to a new version or to reload your own
custom version of the library, with your
preferred defaults, after somebody else has
used your S4 and changed the settings.
If RESET is pressed S4 returns to a program
running in the masked ROM of the
microcontroller this is called the BIOS (Basic
Input/Output System). Whilst S4 will run in this
BIOS mode and obey most instructions, it is
not intended to be used without a LIBRARY
loaded into the TPA (Transient Program Area).
The BIOS contains subroutines which are used
to handle input and outputs - RS232, Keyboard,
Display etc. BIOS mode is used only for
development of new library programs. In BIOS
mode, S4 will only program a 27256 EPROM,
of the type used as a LIBRARY ROM.
This section is written for sake of
completeness - it is unlikely that anyone
not developing new software for S4 will
want to use the BIOS mode.
Whilst the RESET key is down and the charger
attached, charge is forced into the battery. This
gives a "Jump Start" facility for batteries which
are absolutely flat.