CRU USB DataDiode User Manual

Usb datadiode, User manual, Features

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U s e r M a n u a l f o r U S B D a t a D i o d e ( A9-000-0006) REV 1.0

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USB DataDiode


Revised December 16, 2010


Allows a USB data storage device to be connected to both classified and non-classified
computers, while allowing no classified data to be written back to either the USB device
or non-classified computer

Prevents human error – the user is not required to plug a data storage device into the
classified computer

Easy to set up and use

Host select switch toggles between read/write and read-only connections. Only one
connection can ever be active at a time.

Remount button allows changing/resetting attached device without detaching USB
DataDiode from computer