CIRCUTOR SQL Data Export User Manual
Page 20

SQL Data Export for PS/PSS
In this dialogue box, we can add the fields for the new engine such as the
IP address and port. If the PSS engine has authentication activated, the
username and password fields must be filled in for a valid user in this engine.
If you press the "Advanced" button, we can select from which devices the
data will be downloaded to the database and the frequency at which these data
will be downloaded.
Initially, in the list on the left, we will have all the devices for the PSS
engine. To program the download of all the variables of a device, it must be
selected and sent to the list of devices to download by double-clicking with the
mouse or by using the
button. To not download the variables of a device,
simply move it over to the list on the left. More than one device can be selected
with the mouse, so it is sent together to a different list.
Assign a start date, i.e., when the data will start to be downloaded. This
date can not be edited later on and will be common for all devices that use this
search engine.