CIRCUTOR CVM-C5 Series User Manual
Page 4

3�4�1�- Three-phase network measuring with a 4-wire connection, model CVM-C5-IC �������������������9
3�4�2�- Three-phase network measuring with a 4-wire connection, model CVM-C5-MC ���������������10
3�4�3�- Three-phase network measuring with a 3-wire connection, model CVM-C5-IC ����������������� 11
3�4�4�- Three-phase network measuring with a 3-wire connection, model CVM-C5-MC���������������12
3�4�5�- Three-phase network measuring with a 3-wire connection and transformers in an ARON
3�4�6�- Two-phase network measuring with a 3-wire connection, models CVM-C5-IC
3�4�7�- Phase-to-phase single-phase network measuring with a 2-wire connection,
Instruction Manual