Casella CEL Software for the Microdust dust monitor User Manual

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The MicroDust pro is able to exhibit the highest degree of sensitivity for

particle sizes within the respirable domain, while the detachable probe allows

readings to be taken in relatively inaccessible areas.
The MicroDust pro offers measurement over four ranges:


0.001 to 2.500 mg/m



0.01 to 25.00 mg/m



0.1 to 250.0 mg/m



1 to 2500 mg/m


All instruments are calibrated at the factory using reference test dust (ISO

Fine 12103-1 A2, equivalent to Arizona Road Dust). These facilities allow the

calibration concentration to be determined using traceable gravimetric

analytical techniques. An optical calibration element is supplied as a reference

to confirm the factory calibration point. For optimum calibration against local

dust conditions, a sampling pump and optional gravimetric or respirable

adapter unit may be used to provide comparative analysis between

gravimetric and real time data.
The high definition liquid crystal display is capable of showing both text and

graphical information. It shows instrument configuration details, contaminant

levels, logger information and battery condition.


Principle of Operation

The instrument uses a modulated beam of infra-red light projected forward

into a measurement chamber.

Under clean air conditions all light is prevented from reaching the receiver by

a light stop. When dust particles enter the sample volume, the light beam is

scattered forward within a narrow (12 - 20


) angle to the receiver.

By using this narrow angle of scatter, the instrument’s sensitivity to variations

in the refractive index and colour of measured particulate is reduced.
Excellent linearity is achieved right up to 2500 mg/m


as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 2: The sampling probe

Infra Red

Infra Red


Light Stop


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MICRODUST pro Aerosol Monitoring System &

WINDUST pro Application Software - Handbook