Casella CEL Software for the Microdust dust monitor User Manual
Page 29
Both screens identify the run and show the current interval number.
Data stored during the current (or other runs) can be reviewed on the
instrument display while it is being collected.
From the Logger screen, select and display the View Runs screen.
A summary screen for the earliest stored run will be displayed.
to select summaries from other runs.
The run number and total of runs will be indicated. The current run
will also be available.
When sufficient data has been collected, stop logging by returning to
the Logger screen and using the Stop Logger option.
Logging stops and data up to the last completed interval is saved.
Each saved record contains the average concentration during the
logging interval, together with the date and time when it was saved.
At the end of each logging run (i.e. when logging is stopped or the
instrument switched off) a summary record will also be saved.
This identifies the average and maximum concentrations that have
occurred during the entire run. The time and date of the maximum
concentration are also saved.
Stored data can be downloaded for further manipulation and reporting
only by using WinDust pro Application Software.
T i m e :
S t a r t D a t e :
1 6 : 1 Ø : 5 7
Ø 8 M a r Ø Ø
Ø 1 / Ø 2
R u n N u m b e r :
D u r a t i o n :
Ø 1 : 2 9 : 4 4
Av e Va l u e :
M a x Va l u e :
2 5 . Ø Ø
4 . 3 7
Page 29 of 60
MICRODUST pro Aerosol Monitoring System &
WINDUST pro Application Software - Handbook