Altera Quartus II User Manual

Page 3

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a. On the Process menu, click Start
Analysis & Synthesis
to build a netlist in
preparation for TimeQuest timing analyzer use.
b. On the Tools menu, click TimeQuest Timing
to launch TimeQuest analyzer.
i. On the Netlist menu, click Create Timing

Netlist and select Post-map to
create the timing netlist with timing delay information.

ii. Specify your design timing constraints using the analyzer’s graphical user interface

(GUI) or by using the Synopsys Design Constraint (SDC) text editor.

c. On the Assignment menu, click Timing Analysis Settings to specify TimeQuest
analyzer as the timing analysis tool and to add your SDC file to the project.

Quartus II Assignment menu provides all settings and assignments for the project.


Run the TimeQuest Timing Analyzer