Control features, Control and safety feature details – WaterFurnace CLW Chiller User Manual

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The CLW’s microprocessor based control not only monitors

and controls the heat pump but also can communicate any

of this information back to the building automation system

(BAS) clearly putting the CLW Quad Series in a class of

its own. The control will enumerate all fault and warning

conditions which can be read over a BAS as well as display

on a local user interface. An enhanced local interface is

invaluable as a service tool for the building service team

and is used to aid in diagnosing issues and the initial setup,

startup, and commissioning.

The Control Provides:

• Operational


High and low-pressure safety switch monitoring

Monitoring motor rotation, oil temperature, and motor

windings overheating

Monitors for electrical thermal overloading

Lockouts and mode control

The unit can be commanded to run from the local

display, BAS or HOA switches (manual hand-off-auto

switch) located in the low voltage panel.

An alarm history can be viewed through the local

user interface.

Trending of key inputs and variables are stored in the

controller and available to viewed and graphed.

The Controller has unused analog and digital inputs and

outputs for field installed items such as additional water

temperature or status switches

Standard Features

Operational sequencing and compressor and

unit staging

High and low-pressure safety switch monitoring

Monitoring motor rotation, oil temperature, and

motor overheating

Monitors for electrical thermal overloading

Monitors for high and low saturation temperatures

Proves Flow prior to starting

Short cycle warnings

Lockout and mode control

DDC Operation & Connection

The controller is a native BACnet controller. Other optional

network protocols are supported via a protocol Gateway.

Johnson Control N2

• LonWorks

• Modbus

And many more

Control Features

Control and Safety Feature Details

User Shutdown

The shutdown mode can be activated by a command

from a facility management system or the local user

interface. When the unit is shut down any isolation

valves are close and any compressor heaters are

powered. Additionally the shutdown can be complete

and no outputs are active.

Alarm Shutdown

Alarm Shutdown occurs when ever an alarm condition

is present from any physical safety: refrigerant system

high pressure, refrigerant system low pressure, motor

thermal overload, motor rotation direction incorrect,

electrical thermal overload, no flow, or freeze detection.

Alarm Shutdown occurs when ever an alarm condition

is present from any software safety: High Sat, Low

Sat, trying to start a compressor too quickly. Other

software condition can trigger an alarm shut down

like approaching or exceeding the application range

of the compressor.

When any valid fault signal remains continuously

active for the length of its recognition delay, the

controller will go into fault retry mode, which will

turn off compressors. If the safety is auto resetting,

after the compressor delay time for that alarm, the

compressors will attempt to operate once again. If

four consecutive faults occur in 2 hours, the unit will

go into lockout mode.

Alarm Lockout Mode

Lockout mode is activated when a physical safety

requires a manual reset or a software safety with an

auto resetting safety is configured to lockout after

a number of repeated alarms in a period of time

described above.

The lockout condition can be reset by powering down

the controller, by a commanding the unit off from the

local display or the BAS, or by the pushing the alarm

reset button on the local display.

Refrigerant System Low Pressure

The low-pressure switch is a normally closed (NC)

switch that monitors the systems refrigerant pressure.

This safety requires a manual reset.

Refrigerant System High Pressure

The high-pressure switch is a normally closed (NC)

switch that monitors the systems refrigerant pressure.

This safety requires a manual reset.