Setting up mobiview, Setting up mobi learners – Turning Technologies WorkSpace User Manual

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WorkSpace for Java


Next Steps

Download and install the WorkSpace Connect app for your tablet from the appropriate app store. See the WorkSpace Connect
User Guide
for Technical Requirements and instructions on how to use the app.

Setting Up MobiView

The Turning Technologies Device Manager must be installed on your computer prior to using the MobiView. The MobiView
communicates with Turning Technologies software through the wireless MobiView receiver. The receiver is a USB device
stored in the charging stand or on the backside of the MobiView.


Turn on the classroom computer on which WorkSpace is installed.


Insert the Mobi receiver into a USB port on the classroom computer. The blue LED on the Mobi receiver will light up.


If a USB hub is needed, you must ensure that you use a powered USB hub.


Turn on the MobiView by pressing the blue Power button on top of the unit.

The message Attempting to Connect is displayed on the MobiView screen.

When the MobiView connects to the Mobi receiver, the Home Screen appears.


If the message, Unable to Connect is displayed, verify that the Mobi receiver is inserted into a
working USB port.

When the two devices have been successfully paired, the blue button on the Mobi receiver will stop blinking and remain
a solid blue until one of the following three instances occur:


the Mobi receiver is removed from the computer


the MobiView is turned off


the computer is turned off

Pairing the device is a one-time operation.

Setting Up Mobi Learners

The Turning Technologies Device Manager must be installed on your computer prior to using the Mobi Learners. Mobi Learners
must be able to communicate with the WorkSpace software. Communication is established either by a USB connection or
through wireless (RF). The RF (Radio Frequency) receiver plugs into a USB port on the computer or a powered USB Hub.


Turn on the classroom computer on which WorkSpace is installed.


Insert the Mobi receiver into a USB port on the classroom computer. The blue LED on the Mobi receiver will light up.


If a USB hub is needed, you must ensure that you use a powered USB hub.


Press the activation button on the Mobi receiver. The blue light will begin to blink.


Turn on the Mobi.


Press the blue activation button on the back of the Mobi to activate the RF signal. The button is located next to the
battery opening.