Reserving the session id – Turning Technologies ResponseWare User Manual
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ResponseWare for Presenters
ResponseWare Session Status Window - PC
ResponseWare Session Status Window - Mac
Click Close to return the TurningPoint Dashboard.
The ResponseWare Session Status window does not need to be open for ResponseWare to be enabled.
ResponseWare will remain enabled until TurningPoint Cloud is closed or until End Session is selected from the
ResponseWare Session Status window.
Select either PowerPoint Polling or Anywhere Polling from the TurningPoint Cloud Dashboard.
It is possible to switch between polling environments without logging out of the current
ResponseWare session. Participants do not need to log out and join a new session.
Next Steps
Provide participants the Session ID to join the session.
Reserving the Session ID
When joining a ResponseWare Session, participants are prompted to enter a Session ID. Session IDs are randomly generated
by Turning Technologies software each time ResponseWare is enabled. Reserving a Session ID allows users to specify their
own unique Session ID.
You can reserve up to 10 unique Session IDs.
Open TurningPoint Cloud.
The Turning Account window opens.
Enter Turning Account username and password.
Click Sign In.
The TurningPoint Dashboard opens.
Click Click to Connect in the upper right corner of the TurningPoint Dashboard.
The ResponseWare Sign In window opens.
Click Sign In.
The ResponseWare Session window opens.