Tiptop Circadian Rhythms User Manual
Page 40

The clock signal is the internal clock rate and effectively replaces the internal clock of the slave de-
vice. This is the most precise method to sync multiple Tiptop Syncbus devices like the CR or Trigger
Riot. When multiple CR are connected, not only is the clock shared, but the slave modules will fol-
low the ‘Boss’ module’s Group and Preset precisely during playback.
Because the Trigger Riot has no fixed grid, it is possible to have different pattern lengths and time
signatures between a synced Trigger Riot and the CR. Using CYCS and CYCE, the user has to fi-
gure out how to reconcile the CR Group/Presets with the Riot. As a starting point, try CYCS = 4 and
CYCE = 68 to follow a single Preset on the CR.
Below are the connection diagrams for the SyncBus parallel cable. The top diagram shows con-
necting 3 CR modules using two SyncBus cables. The lower diagram shows connecting 2 CR and
one Trigger Riot.
To start SyncBus:
• Switch to vertical view
• Press the ‘Sync/Boss’ button on each SyncBus device. The LED will turn Green
• Select one of the devices to be ‘Boss’ by pressing its ‘Sync/Boss’ button again. The LED will
turn Red. This module now controls the other connected devices.
• Press the ‘Sync/Boss’ on any other device to change the Boss. The other modules will auto-
matically change to follow the new Boss.
us Cable
us Cable
us Cable
SyncBus Cable