Installation – Slate Digital Trigger Advanced Drum Replacer User Manual
Page 4

For new TRIGGER 2 users:
Please download and install the new iLok License Manager from
In order to download your iLok license to you iLok Dongle, please go through the following
steps: -‐
1. Launch the iLok License Manager and sign in to your account.
2. Click the
bucon in the upper right corner of the window labeled "Redeem An AcVvaVon
3. Enter your AcVvaVon Code and click "Next."
4. Select your iLok Dongle from the "AcVvaVon LocaVon" dialog and click "AcVvate."
5. You'll receive a confirmaVon when the license is moved to your iLok Dongle.
6. Please now move to the Installa7on Steps on page 6...
For users updating from TRIGGER 1:
Important Note
TRIGGER 2 is not a subsVtuVon of the previous "TRIGGER 1". TRIGGER 2 is a completely new,
separate plug-‐in, with a new name, etc… So, you can use both TRIGGER 1 and/or TRIGGER 2
alongside one another. This means, your projects with TRIGGER 1 will sVll work, as long as you
do not change its library loca7on.
A new iLok license is not required for TRIGGER 2, but you will need to update to
authorized via your original iLok license for either TRIGGER EX or PlaVnum.
TRIGGER 1 library data has had to be repacked due to new protecVon implementaVons.
The original “stock data” (i.e. data in Deluxe, Kicks, Snares, and Toms folders) from TRIGGER 1
will not work in TRIGGER 2. Should you try to load TRIGGER 1 data into a slot you will see an
error loading message.
If you choose, you may create a separate folder just for TRIGGER 2 use, and use that for the
base directory path. If you have “Expansion Packs”, simply copy the data folders over to this
new folder, and the respecVve .tlc licenses also, for authorizaVon.