Slate Digital Trigger Advanced Drum Replacer User Manual
Page 14

Setup” secVon. Then, you need to clear the MIDI buffer by pressing “CLEAR BUFFER” bucon,
and then you can start to capture a MIDI track.
* The MIDI Capture process works only in real-‐Vme mode. This means that if you want to
capture MIDI from the whole snare track, you have to: -‐
• Adjust triggering sepngs
• Clear MIDI buffer
• Place a cursor at the beginning of the snare drum track
• Press Play in your host applicaVon
• Wait unVl TRIGGER 2 will trigger the whole snare drum track
• Press Stop in your host applicaVon
• Drag and drop the captured MIDI track into your host applicaVon from the “DRAG ON
TRACK” bucon.
Important Note
TRIGGER 2 will create a temporary MIDI file with captured data from bar 1. When you “DRAG
ON TRACK” MIDI data from the plug-‐in window to your DAW it will place a snippet of this whole
file as captured from the play head posiVon. Remember this when aligning your midi data.
* Cockos’ Reaper (and possible other DAW’s) will however display the whole file from bar 1
when dragged from TRIGGER 2.
Important Note
Every Vme you trigger any audio using TRIGGER 2, the MIDI Capture bucon will turn to orange
color. This means that TRIGGER 2 is gepng audio signal and converVng it to MIDI. If you do not
use the MIDI Capture feature then just don’t pay acenVon to these bucons. If you going to use
MIDI Capture feature then use step by step instrucVon, which you can find a few lines above.
View Mixer
Shows Volume, Pan, Tune, Solo, Mute, and Phase flip parameter controls for per slot
adjustments, and the ArVculaVon Selector.