Slate Digital Trigger Advanced Drum Replacer User Manual
Page 13

parameter sepngs are shared for ‘Gate’ and detecVon, for triggering sample replacement/
enhancement. Once you set the detecVon for triggering, you can simply use ‘Gate’ and its
controls to shape the incoming/original source audio.
* The Gate only applies to/processes the original source material and not TRIGGER 2 samples.
To hear it in acVon, you will need to turn down the Mix control (less than 100%).
Gate Controls
Sets the iniVal Vme it will take for the gate to open.
Sets the Vme the gate is leu open before Release.
Sets the Vme taken to close the gate.
Save Preset
Click to save a .prs Preset file.
Flip All Phases
This will flip all phases for the 8 slots... Useful if you mix both original source audio and TRIGGER
2 samples and feel the need to for coherency.
MIDI Capture
Since the 1.65 update, TRIGGER has had a MIDI Capture feature, which may
be used to capture a MIDI track from an audio signal.
* The MIDI track created using this feature will be much more accurate than
a MIDI track created using MIDI out.
If you wish to capture a MIDI track from an audio track (let’s say it’s a snare drum track), then
firstly you need to adjust the triggering sepngs for opVmizaVon as discussed in the “Usage/