Slate Digital Trigger Advanced Drum Replacer User Manual
Page 16

* Values more than 50 set a posiVve non-‐linear response (which means if you trigger a sou hit
on your drum track, it will be replaced by a hard hit from TRIGGER 2, or if you trigger the 64
velocity, TRIGGER 2 will transform it to, for instance, 80).
* Values less than 50 set a negaVve non-‐linear response (which means if you trigger a hard hit
on your drum track, it will be replaced by a sou hit from TRIGGER 2, or if you trigger the 64
velocity, TRIGGER 2 will transform it to, for instance, 40).
So, using the Velocity control, you can adjust the response of TRIGGER 2 Instruments in any way
you want. In other words, use this funcVon to set how light or aggressive you want your
triggered drum tracks to sound in the mix.
The Range controls allow the user to limit velociVes on an Instrument channel. Using the
controls you can make TRIGGER 2 play, for instance, only Hard hits for Instrument channel (slot)
one, and Sou or Medium hits on Instrument channel (slot) two.
Curve Link
The Curve Link secVon offers feature to selecVvely link either Acack,
Sustain, Release, Dynamics, Velocity, or Range Min/Max controls for all
Instrument channels (slots) control simultaneously. I.e. with Acack On, you
may control all Acack parameters for the 8 channels via a single control.
* With link engaged, the OperaVonal Key Commands for Parameter Reset
and Fine Control are engaged/available.