Settings – Slate Digital Trigger Advanced Drum Replacer User Manual
Page 17

Respect OS Display Scaling Setting
Sepng this opVon ‘YES’ will enable support for DAWs supporVng ReVna Displays, and will work
correctly in conjuncVon with Windows' (PC) window scaling display preference opVon (to
rescale the plug-‐in GUI at different set resoluVons).
Enable Instrument Loading With Double Click
Turning this opVon on, you will be able to double click “Instruments” in the Browser area to
load them to the selected slot. A blinking light above the slot will indicate this the selected slot
for loading to.
* Values below are respecVve of a 44.1k sample rate...
Live -‐ introduces 176 samples delay.
Low -‐ introduces 511 samples delay.
Normal -‐ is the “opVmal sepng”, and introduces 1023 samples delay.
* Latency is calculated by the sepng Vme in milliseconds Vmes the sample rate. Live (4ms),
Low (11.6ms), Normal (23.2ms).
Important Note
Should you change latency sepng in TRIGGER 2, you will need to reload the plug-‐in for latency
value to be correctly passed to your host, for delay compensaVon. ** Please save a preset for
recall. **
MIDI Input
Using MIDI Input, you can play TRIGGER 2’s internal sounds from a MIDI track, or external
device, such as MIDI keyboard.
To set up MIDI input, you need to turn it “On” via the check box, choose the MIDI Input channel
and note in the Sepngs page. As soon as this is done, you can play TRIGGER 2’s internal sounds
by rouVng a MIDI track or MIDI device to the track with TRIGGER 2 inserted.