Slate Digital Trigger Advanced Drum Replacer User Manual
Page 11

Blue is the original track. Red is the leakage suppressed on the original track.
Note: Red waveform peaks should be a bit higher than the leakage peaks. If the red waveform
peaks are too high, you need to decrease the Suppression value. If you are using several tracks
for Leakage Suppression (lets say that it’s a kick drum and toms) and the red peaks of kick drum
track are good (a bit higher than the kick drum leakage peaks), but red peaks of the toms track
are much higher than the toms leakage peaks, you need to decrease the volume of the toms
track which you’re rouVng into TRIGGER 2’s right channel.
When you use the Leakage Suppression you can set the Detail control to very low values.
However, do not set it to 0.00, because TRIGGER 2 can start triggering noise from the original
audio. Set the Detail depending on the tracking noise level when you are using Leakage
* Here's a Vp… If you nudge your tracks with the bleed for suppression, the detecVon will follow
the bleeds earlier or later. So, you can fine tune suppression tracking to get it precise.
Articulation Selector
In the ‘View Mixer’ page, just above the slot for a channel, you will see a boxed area to select
the arVculaVon for the loaded sample. Click to access the list menu, and select the arVculaVon.