Dimension One Spas Hot Tub User Manual

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Dimension One Spas – @Home Series Owner’s Manual


function properly. Once the jets are working, be sure to close the bleeder valves (opened when you originally
filled the spa) tightly.

12. One minute after the power is turned on, the spa will automatically begin its first one-hour filtration cycle

(this cycle may be interrupted if you are turning the Jet pumps on and off at the time, but that’s OK). On two-
pump models, Pump 2 will operate on high speed for the first minute of each filter cycle. If there is no jet action
during the filter cycle, repeat the pump priming steps described in Step 11 above. Once the Jets are working
properly, you may want to turn the power off and on again at the GFCI to reset the Start Time of the filtration
cycle, which will begin one minute after the power is turned on.

13. Your spa will automatically filter itself twice each day. At the beginning of each filter cycle, the pump will run

on high speed for 5 minutes and then on low-speed for the remainder of the filter cycle. The second filter cycle
will begin twelve hours after the start of the first. The Filter Cycle light on the control panel will glow when a
filter cycle is running. To set a different start time for the cycles, you can turn the power to the spa off then back
on using the GFCI breaker at the time of day you want to cycle to start (the filter cycle always starts one minute
after the spa power is turned on

14. Now set the water temperature by pushing the UP/DOWN Buttons until your desired water temperature (called

the “Set Temperature”) appears in the Display Window. The spa will not allow you to set a temperature above

°F (40° C). After a few seconds, the screen will revert to showing the current spa water temperature. The

spa will heat at the rate of 1

° F (≅0.5°C) to 8° F (≅4° C) per hour. Whenever the temperature falls below your

Set Temperature, your spa will turn on the heater and run the pump at low speed to bring it back up to the Set

You can confirm that the heater is on by checking that the Heat Indicator light on the control panel is

15. Once the spa has begun heating, you can reinstall the equipment compartment panel removed in Step 2.

16. After completing the above steps, see the Water Care Guide (provided separately) to ensure proper water


17. Place the thermal cover on the spa to conserve energy and to keep it ready for use.