Calibration data and controls menu, Menu descriptions – Parr Instrument 6400 User Manual

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Menu Descriptions

P a r r I n s t r u m e n t C o m p a n y


Calibration Data and Controls Menu

Calibration Run Limit: Displays the maximum
number of runs that will be included in determining
the EE value of a bomb and bucket combination and
accesses the sub-menu on which this limit is set.
Most test methods suggest 10 tests. Tests in excess
of the most recent ones used are still available but
are not used in the calculation of the EE value. For
example if 11 standardization tests have been run,
the calorimeter will only use the most recent 10. The
11th is still stored in the memory and is available
for viewing or printing. Only runs that are at final
status will be used in this calculation.

EE Max Std Deviation: Displays the maximum
relative standard deviation in percent that will be
permitted for any EE value calculated by the Calo-
rimeter and accesses the sub-menu on which this
limit is set. If this value is exceeded, the user will be
warned to take corrective action before proceeding
with testing. A setting of zero disables this check.

Heat of Combustion of Standard: Displays the heat
of combustion in calories per gram for the material
used to standardize the calorimeter and accesses
the sub-menu on which this value is set. For benzoic
acid, this value is 6318.4 calories per gram.

Bomb Service Interval: Displays the maximum
number of times a bomb may be fired before it is
flagged as due for service and accesses the sub-
menu on which this limit is set. Parr recommends
500 firings for this service interval. (Parts may need
to be replaced on a more frequent basis depending
upon the nature of the sample).

Control Chart Parameters: A control chart is a
graphical tool which can assist the user in deter-
mining whether or not their process is in control.
Many standard methods will dictate that a reference
sample be measured periodically and the results
plotted on a graph. Limits for acceptable values are
defined and the process is assumed to be in control
as long as the results stay within these limits. Since
results are expected to scatter with a normal distri-
bution within established limits, systematic trends
or patterns in the data plots may also be an early
warning of problems.

Charted Value: Toggles the charted value between
the HOC Standard (Heat Of Combustion of Stan-
dard) and Energy Equivalent.

Process Sigma: In relation to calorimetry, sigma
is used as the classification of the instrument. The
higher the process sigma the higher the limits for
acceptable values for precision control.


The 6400 is a .1 Process Sigma calorim-


Temp. Rise High Warning: Sets a limit for the tem-
perature rise during a test. If the temperature rise
exceeds the limit the user will be warned.

Temp. Rise Low Warning: Sets a lower limit warning
for the temperature rise during a test. If the tem-
perature rise is lower than this setting the user will
be warned.

Use Bomb: Displays the ID of the bomb currently
being used in the Calorimeter and toggles through
the four possible bomb numbers.

Bomb 1 - Bomb 4: Leads to sub-menu, Bomb 1 -
Bobm 4. Displays standardization information for
bomb and bucket combinations. While only one
bomb and bucket is installed in the calorimeter at
a time, a spare may be used for servicing and for
more rapid turn-around. The respective EE values
for each bomb can be stored in memory.


For rapid turn around between tests,

the user may wish to use an extra head.

Each head should be assigned a bomb ID.

On the Data Entry Controls Menu, set the

Prompt for Bomb ID to “ON”.