User manual and installer guide, Visionhdq – Lumagen VisionHDQ User Manual
Page 29

User Manual and Installer Guide
© 2004-2007 Lumagen®, Inc.
Rev 1.14
Lock the Configuration
The configuration can be locked to prevent unintended changes. When locked, the input
selection functions normally, but setup parameters are fixed. The command format is:
The following command can be used to unlock the configuration memories if the on-screen menu
cannot be displayed. The command is:
MENU 0 9 1 5
Same as MENU
Test Patterns
Test patterns can cause screen burn-in if left on-screen for more then a few seconds.
Activate test pattern. The … and † arrows select the test pattern. The intensity is adjusted from
10 to 100 IRE, in 10 IRE steps, using the ‡ and ˆ arrows. The command format is:
→ MISC → TPAT → OK […, †, ˆ, ‡]
Menu Timeout
The MENU timeout can be changed. The command is:
MENU 0 9 0 5
Toggle menu timeout. Short (default) or long
Front Panel LED Function
The front panel LED is illuminated for a short time after a command and then turned off. This
behavior can be changed so the LED light stays on while the unit is on. The command is:
MENU 0 9 2 5
Toggle LED as "activity" (default) or "power."
Zoom Step
A smaller zoom step of about 5% can be selected instead of the normal step of about 15%. The
command is:
MENU 0 9 2 3
Toggle zoom-step between default and 5%.
Sidebar Pan
To help reduce screen burn-in with 4:3 sources on widescreen displays, the output can be slowly
moved left and right a fractional pixel step every few minutes. The command is:
MENU 0 9 8 7
Toggle Sidebar-pan for anti-burn. Default = off.