English – Konig Electronic Outdoor IP camera remote video surveillance User Manual
Page 5

Set the IP camera to connect to the Wi‑Fi router
Open up “Settings” on your iOS device and select “Wi-Fi” and let it
search for a network. The network will be “Wi-Fi-cam-p2p”. Select
“Wi-Fi-cam-p2p” to connect.
Now, open the “uCare Cam” app and select the tab at the bottom
of the screen that says “Wi-Fi Connect”.
Select “Router mode”, then “Next”. Enter here the Wi-Fi network
name (SSID) and password of your home router.
After the IP camera receives this information, it will restart. Please
wait for it to start up and connect to your Wi-Fi router. When it
successfully connects, the status LED colour will turn orange. It may
take up to 5 minutes.
Then select the camera name in the “uCare Cam” app to connect.
Note: If the status LED colour does not turn orange, please check
your Wi-Fi router and make sure the IP camera is within the signal
area of your Wi-Fi router. Then try this setup again.
Install your IP camera by WPS connection mode
If your Wi-Fi router has a WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) button, you can use it
to set up the IP camera. (Must enable WPA/WPA2 encryption in Router). On
the Wi-Fi router, you will see a button labelled “WPS”. It may also be called
“QSS” or “AOSS”
Setup Wi‑Fi ‑ WPS mode
Open the “uCare Cam” app
and select “Wi-Fi Setting” or
“Wi-Fi Connect” at the bottom of the screen.
Select the tab:
Then select the tab:
to enter Step 2
Enter WPS mode
Power on your IP camera. The status LED on the IP camera will be
green for about 15 seconds.