Command-line parameters – Kipp&Zonen UVS-E-T UV Radiometers User Manual
Page 37
UVIATOR software manual
UVIATOR can be called with command line parameters in order to start unattended processing of UV measurements. To do so,
create a batch file that calls UVIATOR and call the batch file from a scheduler. Unattended processing requires that you specify
a working directory and optionally a start date and end date. The working directory must be configured properly, so no user
interaction is needed. Although called from the command line, the UVIATOR user interface will be visible during processing. See
the table below for command line parameters accepted by UVIATOR.
Note that start date and end date will be rounded to the file creation per setting on the output configuration page. So for example,
if file creation is per month and start date and end date are not specified, processing will be done for the current month.
See below and example of a batch file.
11. Command-line Parameters
@rem example batch file, to be called from a scheduler
"C:\Program Files\KippZonen\UVIATOR\UVIATOR" "/workdir=C:\data\sample work dir" /startdate=20040730 /
enddate=20040730 /action=process
"C:\Program Files\KippZonen\UVIATOR\UVIATOR" "/workdir=C:\data\another work dir" /startdate=20041012 /
enddate=20041120 /action=process
Current date
Current date
Sets the working directory
Sets the start date of processing
Sets the end date of processing
Instructs UVIATOR to start processing