Hanna Instruments HI 83207-01 User Manual
Page 62

Interference may be caused by:
Aluminum above 6 mg/L
Cadmium above 0.5 mg/L
Copper above 5 mg/L
Iron above 7 mg/L
Manganese above 5 mg/L
Nickel above 5 mg/L
• Place the cap and insert the cuvette into the instrument
and close the lid.
• Press the Zero key. The display will show “-0.0-” when
the meter is zeroed and ready for measurement.
• Remove the cuvette and add 0.5 mL of HI 93731B-0
Cyclohexanone to the cuvette.
Note: To prevent any contamination from the polycarbonate
cap, prior to replacing it, close the sample cuvette with
the supplied HDPE plastic stopper.
• Replace the cap and mix the sample for 15 seconds.
• Insert the sample into the instrument.
• Press Timer and the display will show the countdown
prior to the measurement or, alternatively, wait for
3 minutes and 30 seconds and press Read. When the
timer ends the meter will perform the reading.
• The instrument displays the results in mg/L of zinc.