Hanna Instruments HI 504910 User Manual
Page 28

• To enter the LEDs test procedure select the setup item t.03
and an “OFF” blinking message will appear on the LCD.
• Press the
æ (or ) key once and the message will switch to
a blinking “GO”.
• Press CFM key to confirm or the
æ (or ) key again to
return to the previous status.
• If confirmation is given when the “OFF” message is blink-
ing, no action is performed and it will move to the first
setup item of the group (t.00).
• Once confirmed the test, all the LEDs (if anyone was ac-
tive) are switched off and the message “LEDs test - Press
CFM to escape” will scroll on the primary LCD during all
the test.
• Some keys are used to toggle LEDs ON and OFF:
- the DISPLAY key toggles the green LED;
- the (ALT+) CAL DATA keys toggle the red LED.
• To exit the test press the CFM key and the previous configu-
ration of the LEDs is reestablished. The instrument will remain
in the setup menu and move to the first setup item of the
group (t.00).
The EEPROM selftest procedure involves verifying the stored
EEPROM checksum.
• To enter the EEPROM test procedure select the setup item
t.02 and an “OFF” blinking message will appear on the
• Press the
æ (or ) key once and the message will switch to
a blinking “GO”.
• Press CFM key to confirm or the
æ (or ) key again to
return to the previous status.
• If confirmation is given when the “OFF” message is blink-
ing, no action is performed and it will move to the next
setup item (t.03).
• After confirmation, the selftest
procedure begins with the “tESt”
message blinking for a few sec-
• During this time the instrument performs the EEPROM check,
and if the checksum is correct, the “Stored data good”
message will scroll on the primary display.
• After that, the meter will remain in setup menu and move to
the next setup item.
• If the checksum fails, a fault alarm is generated and the
following message appears on the LCD: “Stored data error
- Press “UP” button to reset stored data or “RIGHT” button
to ignore”.
• If the key is pressed the instrument restarts operation,
but the device will be in Hold mode in any case (i.e. no
acquisition of measurements).
• If the
æ key is pressed, all the data stored in the EEPROM
are erased and the default values loaded (a complete cali-
bration of the instrument is needed).
• Once performed the selected action, the instrument will
remain in the setup menu and move to the next setup item