Hanna Instruments HI 504910 User Manual
Page 14

sured magnitude is changed back later. The following setup
items cannot vary when changing from pH to ORP or vice
versa (because they are items strictly related to the instrument
and not to the measured magnitude): Factory ID, Instrument ID
alias RS485 address, Calibration password, General password,
Baud rate, Modem calls answer enable and Mains frequency.
(5): A life check error is generated if the pH reading does not
vary for more than ±0.10 pH within the time selected through
the “life check time” item (for pH) or mV reading for more
than ±10 mV within the same time (for ORP).
(6): When the instrument is configured for ORP measure-
ments, some of the above items or item values are not any-
more available to the user.
(7): “measured value” is the reading value with a null read-
ing offset adjustment.
(8): If the device is set for MTC (item G.01 to “USEr”) then
items F.10 and F.11 cannot be modified nor seen. When item
G.01 is changed from “AtC” into “USEr”, item F.11 is auto-
matically zeroed.
(9): These items do not vary when the pH/ORP input selec-
tion (“G.00”) is changed.
(10): This item must be set to “OFF” when an amplified
electrode is in use.
(11): Select the frequency of the mains power supply in your
country. This value is used to filter mains power supply noise
when performing the pH/ORP probe check.
(12): When the instrument is powered, RTC is checked to see
if an RTC reset occurred since last software initialization (if
one even took place). If this is the case, the RTC is initialized
with the default date and time: 01-01-2000-00:00. An
EEPROM reset does not affect the RTC settings.
(13): Only 2400 can be used for connection to HI 504.
(14): The modem present in the HI 504902 module is cer-
tified by Telecom to work in the following countries: Argen-
tina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile,
China, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India,
Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Liechtenstein,
Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zeland,
Norway, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Singapore,
Slovak Republic, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Taiwan, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States.
If your country is not present in the list, please contact your
Hanna dealer.
If the country code is shorter than 3 characters, fill the code
with zeros in front.
Valid Values
Default Present
for ORP
P.00 RS485 connection type
“PC”=PC or modem connection “PC”
(see note 9)
“CELL”=cellular module connection
P.01 PIN number (see note 9)
0000 to 9999
F.00 pH or ORP actual value
measured value -1.00 pH or
(see note 7)
-200 mV to measured value
+1.00 pH or +200 mV
F.01 pH or ORP reading offset
-1.00 to +1.00 pH or
0.00 pH
-200 to +200 mV
or 0 mV
F.10 Temperature actual value
measured value -10.0 ºC to
meas. value
(for ATC only, see note 8)
measured value +10.0 ºC
(see note 7)
F.11 Temperature reading offset
-10.0 to +10.0 ºC
0.0 ºC
adjustment (for ATC only, see note 8)
TEST (“tESt”)
t.00 Display test
“OFF”: To skip without testing
t.02 EEPROM test
“GO”: To start the display test
t.03 LEDs test
(1): The calibration password allows only calibrations, while the
general password allows everything (including calibration).
Obviously, the general password and the calibration password
cannot be viewed among other items when the “SETUP” key is
pressed without entering the right general password. The in-
strument is sold with a “0000” general password.
(2): When a wrong setup value is confirmed, the instrument
does not skip to the next setup item, but remains in the cur-
rent item displaying a blinking “WRONG” indicator till the
parameter value is changed by the user (the same thing hap-
pens also for the setup code selection).
(3): See the “Temperature compensation” subsection for more
details on how the Automatic temperature compensation and
Manual temperature compensation work.
(4): Whenever the pH/ORP selection item is changed from pH
into ORP or vice versa all of the calibration and setup data
regarding pH (when changing to ORP) or ORP (when chang-
ing to pH) are kept. They are automatically restored if the mea-