Hanna Instruments HI 84442 User Manual
Page 27

• Remove electrode holder. Rinse the electrode into waste container.
• Prepare a fresh sample and place on titrator. Place the temperature probe and the electrode
in the appropriate guides.
• Immerse the titrant tip and use care not to dislodge titrant from dispensing tip.
Note: If the end-point is not reached or it is not recognized or the input reading is out of range,
an error message will be displayed. The titration can be restarted after a new sample is
prepared by pressing Restart.
• Calibrate the instrument in 4.01 pH buffer solution at least once a day, before you start to
perform measurements.
• Purge the peristaltic pump to have the fresh titrant when starting a new calibration.
• Calibrate the peristaltic pump daily before performing a set of analyses.
• Clean the electrode in order to remove the possible coating from bulb.
• Precision of the measurement can be improved by using volumetric pipettes for standard and
sample additions.
Press MENU key while in Titrator main screen.
Press Recall to access the titrator logged data.
The instrument will display a list of all the titration records stored in the titration log.
Use the ARROW keys to scroll the stored records list.
If the saved concentration was out of range the “!” symbol is displayed in front of the reading.