FeiYu Tech FY-DOS User Manual
Page 13

Guilin Feiyu Electronic Technology Co., Ltd
Guilin Feiyu Electronic Technology Co., Ltd http://www.feiyudz.cn E-mail: [email protected] Page 13
“Port” Connection columns :
Connect DoS to your PC, from “my computer” –“device manager” –“Port” to find
COM port , select corresponding COM port. Baud rate has to be “19200”, click
“connect”button. Or just click “Auto Connect” button, it will search automatically,but it‟s
takes time. Note: only after this has been done, then you can set other settings.
“Read and Write”window:
Click “Read All” to read all default parameters.
Click “Save” to save all record to flash.
It‟s for servo control movement Gain, Set Range:0-100,if gain number
is getting higher, DoS will be getting more sensitivity.
“Config” Configuration window
Click “Init GRYO” to gyro reset. And our software status bar will prompt initial
success. Don‟t use it during flying!
Record Attitude:
This function is mainly used to eliminate the installation attitude angle and aircraft level flight attitude angle
deviation. DoS default benchmark angle is o degrees. It‟s not necessary to adjust. If you want to adjust more accurate, as