FeiYu Tech FY-41AP User Manual

Page 5

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Guilin Feiyu Electronic Technology Co., Ltd

Guilin Feiyu Electronic Technology Co., Ltd E-mail: [email protected] Page 5

FY-DoS&FY-41AP GPS module interface
The GPS pin interface consist of: GND, +5V , RX0. The characteristics are:

Baud rate: 38400
Data bits: 8

Stop Bits: 1

Parity: None
Interface Features: TTL level

This port is use for GPS Receiver. The GPS data protocol is standard NEMA0183.
Hornet - OSD (V1.6) and DoS connection graph:

You need a 4p Y line, the Hornet - OSD data line and GPS module connected to the

DoS&41AP’s GPS interface. Connection diagram is as follows:

Physical connection diagram:
Put the 4P Y line inserted into DoS&41AP’s GPS port


FY-41AP has integrated OSD video overlay system, so you do not need to

connect external video overlay module. FY-41AP-OSD instructions reference<< FY-41AP
manual>>22 points.

GPS module

Hornet OSD module


(V1.6 版本)


data line