Project #404, Oscillator sound, Oscillator sound (iii) project #406 – Elenco Upgrade Kit SC300 to SC750 User Manual

Page 38: Oscillator sound (iv) project #407, Oscillator sound (v) project #408, Oscillator sound (ii) project #405

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Project #404

OBJECTIVE: Build an oscillator circuit.

Turn on the slide switch (S1) and the LED (D1) lights as the speaker
(SP) emits a tone. The circuit oscillates and generates an AC voltage
across the speaker through the transformer (T1).

Oscillator Sound

OBJECTIVE: Show variations of project

Use the circuit in project #404. Place the
whistle chip (WC) in parallel with the capacitor
(C2) by placing it on the left side of the
transformer (T1). Turn on the slide switch (S1)
and you now hear a lower tone.


Sound (III)

Project #406

OBJECTIVE: Show variations of project


Sound (IV)

Project #407

OBJECTIVE: Show variations of project

Sound (V)

Project #408

OBJECTIVE: Show variations of project #404.

Use the circuit in project #404. In this circuit, you will change the tone
by adding more capacitance. Place the whistle chip (WC) on top of
capacitor (C1). Turn on the slide switch (S1) and you now hear a lower
tone. Adding the more capacitance lowers the oscillating frequency.

Oscillator Sound (II)

Project #405

Use the circuit in project #404. Using a 1-
snap, place the 10


F capacitor (C3) on top of

the 100k


resistor (R5), with the “+” side on

point A1. Turn on the slide switch (S1) and
you should hear a much lower sound then the
previous projects.

Use the circuit in project #404. Replace the


resistor (R5) with the photoresistor

(RP). Wave your hand over the photoresistor.
Now, as the resistance changes, so does the
oscillator frequency.