Project #pc23 sound pulse oscillator pc – Elenco Upgrade Kit SC300 to SC750 User Manual
Page 190

Build the circuit shown. If continuing from the previous experiment
then close the Winscope program and run it again, to reset the
settings. Click on the On-Line button to activate, and turn on the
slide switch (snap part S1). Set Winscope to the settings shown
on the upper right, and move the lever on the adjustable resistor
(snap part RV) around to change the waveform and the sound. At
some positions there may be no sound. A sample waveform is
shown on the upper right.
You can also change to the
0.5ms/div scale to take a closer
look at one of the pulses, shown on
the right:
0.5ms/div scale
Turn on FFT mode to look at the frequency spectrum, try the
settings shown here.
Project #PC23
Sound Pulse
Oscillator PC
OBJECTIVE: To build a pulse oscillator.
LED (D1) is on
layer 1 directly
beneath the
speaker (SP).
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