Project #pc41 power amplifier playing music ic – Elenco Upgrade Kit SC300 to SC750 User Manual

Page 199

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Use Winscope to view the waveform and frequency spectrum
when playing back your recording and music. A sample music
is shown here.

Sample music waveform

Build the circuit shown. Turn on the slide switch (S1), you hear a
beep signaling that you may begin recording.

Talk into the

microphone (X1) up to 8 seconds, and then turn off the slide switch
(it also beeps after the 8 seconds expires).

Press the switch S2 for playback. It plays the recording you made
followed by one of three songs. If you press the press switch (S2)
before the song is over, the music will stop. You may press the
press switch several times to play all three songs.

Project #PC41

Power Amplifier

Playing Music IC

OBJECTIVE: To show how high amplification can distort music.