Userdefined functional profile, Userdefined network variable type (unvt), Virtual functional block – Echelon IzoT BACnet Developes User Manual
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User-defined Functional Profile
A non-standard functional profile defined by a device manufacturer. A user-defined functional profile
should be used only when there is no appropriate standard functional profile defined. See Functional
Profile for more information about functional profile templates.
The NcMulitSensor example uses four UFPTs that inherit from existing SFPTs. Three of the UFPTs
are required because no SFPT includes the configuration properties required by the example
application for setting alarm limits and viewing alarm conditions. Another UFPT is required because it
uses a changeable-type network variable that is not used by the SFPT from which it inherits.
User-defined Network Variable Type (UNVT)
A non-standard network variable type defined by the manufacturer of a device. UNVTs should be
used only when there is no appropriate standard network variable type (SNVT) defined.
-certified devices must have UNVTs documented in resource files according to a standard
format, in order to allow the devices to be interoperable.
Virtual Functional Block
A static functional block that that contains the network inputs and outputs for a device that are not part
of other functional blocks on the device.
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