Neuron firmware, Neuron id, Node object – Echelon IzoT BACnet Developes User Manual
Page 28: Nodebuilder tool, Nonconst devicespecific configuration property, Offnet, Onnet, Optional network variable/configuration property, Pcc10, Peertopeer

Neuron Firmware
A complete operating system including an implementation of the ISO/IEC 14908-1 protocol used by a
Neuron Chip or Smart Transceiver. The Neuron firmware is a program that is inserted into memory of
a Neuron Chip or Smart Transceiver.
Neuron ID
A 48-bit number assigned to each Neuron core at manufacture time. Each Neuron Chip has a unique
Neuron ID, making it like a serial number.
Node Object
A functional block that monitors the status of all functional blocks in a device and makes the status
information available for monitoring by the LonMaker tool. A L
-compliant device that has
more than one functional block must have a node object.
NodeBuilder Tool
A hardware and software platform that is used to develop applications for Neuron Chips and Echelon
Smart Transceivers. The NodeBuilder tool provides complete support for creating, debugging,
testing, and maintaining L
devices. You can use the NodeBuilder tool all to create many
types of devices, including VAV controllers, thermostats, washing machines, card-access readers,
refrigerators, lighting ballasts, blinds, and pumps. You can use these devices in a variety of systems
including building controls, factory automation, and transportation.
Non-const Device-specific Configuration Property
A configuration property that can be changed by the device application, an LNS network tool such as
the LonMaker tool, or another tool not based on LNS. An example of a non-const device-specific
configuration property is the SCPTnwrkCnfg configuration property in the Node Object functional
block of the NcMultiSensorExample and NcSimpleIsiExample applications. This configuration
property stores the current network configuration mode (ISI or managed) of the example application.
A management mode in which network configuration changes are stored in the network database, but
not propagated to the devices on the network. To send the changes to the devices, you place the
LonMaker tool OnNet. If the LonMaker tool is OffNet and attached to the network, you can still
perform read operations on the network.
A management mode in which network configuration changes are propagated immediately to the
devices on the network.
Optional Network Variable/Configuration Property
A network variable or configuration property listed as an optional component in a functional profile.
Functional blocks can elect not to implement optional network variables or configuration properties
specified by the functional profile that the functional block is instantiating.
A type II PC (formerly PCMCIA) card network interface that includes an integral TP/FT-10
transceiver. Other transceiver types can be connected to the PCC-10 via external transceiver “pods”.
A control strategy in which independent intelligent devices share information directly with each other
and make their own control decisions without the need or delay of using an intermediate, central, or
master controller. Because of the enhanced system reliability introduced by eliminating the master (a
single point of failure) and the reduced installation and configuration cost inherent in peer-to-peer
designs, L
technology is intended to implement a peer-to-peer control strategy.
Appendix A – Glossary