Eagle Tree EagleEyes FPV Station User Manual

Page 13

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Copyright © 2010-2014 Eagle Tree Systems, LLC

Page 13

around the tracker, so that “0 degrees” corresponds to the center point of the pan servo, or by physically drawing a compass rose on your tracker.
See Figure 8 for the angles you may need to calibrate.

Pan angle is defined just like it is on a compass: 0 degrees is the midpoint of your pan servo’s travel and corresponds to “North” on a compass, 90
degrees corresponds to the “East” on a compass, 180 degrees corresponds to “South” on a compass, 270 degrees corresponds to “West”, etc., as
shown in Figure 8.

Regarding pan calibration, servos may have “nonlinearities” in their full rotation. In other words, the relationship between the pan angle and the
servo position may vary slightly depending on the angle selected. The EagleEyes helps to minimize this issue by optionally letting you calibrate
several different angles during pan calibration.

Further, some trackers allow for greater than 360 degrees of rotation when the servo moves between its extents. The EagleEyes accommodates these
trackers, allowing rotation of up to about 720 degrees.

Pan Calibration Examples (both calibration methods)

Here are some examples of which pan angles to calibrate for various types of antennas. Follow the detailed steps in “Procedure for Calibrating your
Tracker” section, using the angles indicated below:

A) Calibrating pan with an antenna that rotates 360 degrees, when slight pointing inaccuracy is ok (Simplest method, RECOMMENDED for

initial calibration of this type of tracker):

1) Select “180 (CW)” angle to calibrate
2) Pan the antenna clockwise to the 180 degree compass position (South).
3) Click the “pan angle finished” button if you are using PC calibration.
4) Select “180 (CCW)” angle to calibrate
5) Pan the antenna all the way around, counterclockwise, back to the 180 degree compass position (South).
6) Click the “pan angle finished” button if you are using PC calibration.
7) Click “Finish Pan Calibration” if using the on-screen menu calibration method, or “Finalize All Pan Angles” button if using the PC method.

B) Calibrating pan with an antenna that rotates more than 360 degrees, when slight pointing inaccuracy is ok:
1) Select “180 (CW)” angle to calibrate
2) Pan the antenna clockwise to the 180 degree compass position (South).
3) Click the “pan angle finished” button if you are using PC calibration.
4) Select “Max CW” angle to calibrate
5) Pan the antenna clockwise to its maximum clockwise position.
6) Click the “pan angle finished” button if you are using PC calibration.
7) Select “180 (CCW)” angle to calibrate
8) Pan the antenna counterclockwise, all the way around, back to the 180 degree compass position (South).
8) Select “Max CCW” angle to calibrate
9) Pan the antenna counter-clockwise to its maximum counter-clockwise position
10) Click the “pan angle finished” button if you are using PC calibration.
11) Click “Finish Pan Calibration” if using the on-screen menu calibration method, or “Finalize All Pan Angles” button if using the PC method.

C) Calibrating pan with an antenna that rotates at least 180 degrees total, but less than 360 degrees total
1) Select “90 (CW)” angle to calibrate
2) Pan the antenna clockwise to the 90 degree compass position (East).
3) Click the “pan angle finished” button if you are using PC calibration.
4) If the antenna cannot pan more than 180 degrees total, skip to step 8.
5) Select “Max CW” angle to calibrate
6) Pan the antenna clockwise to its maximum clockwise position.
7) Click the “pan angle finished” button if you are using PC calibration.
8) Select “270 (CCW)” angle to calibrate
9) Pan the antenna counterclockwise to the 270 degree compass position (West).
10) Click the “pan angle finished” button if you are using PC calibration.
11) If the antenna cannot pan more than 180 degrees total, skip to step 15.
12) Select “Max CCW” angle to calibrate
13) Pan the antenna counterclockwise to its maximum counter-clockwise position
14) Click the “pan angle finished” button if you are using PC calibration.
15) Click “Finish Pan Calibration” if using the on-screen menu calibration method, or “Finalize All Pan Angles” button if using the PC method.

D) Calibrating pan with an antenna that rotates at least 90 degrees total, but less than 180 degrees total
1) Select “45 (CW)” angle to calibrate
2) Pan the antenna clockwise to the 45 degree compass position (Northeast).
3) Click the “pan angle finished” button if you are using PC calibration.
4) If the antenna cannot pan more than 90 degrees total, skip to step 8.
5) Select “Max CW” angle to calibrate
6) Pan the antenna clockwise to its maximum clockwise position.