Using the tracker at the field – Eagle Tree EagleEyes FPV Station User Manual
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Page 10
Using the Tracker at the Field
Programming the 0 Pan Compass Reading
After calibrating the tracker, there is one remaining step required at the field, before your tracker will correctly follow your model: you must teach
the EagleEyes the true direction (compass direction) corresponding to the direction your antenna is pointing when the pan servo is centered, once the
tracker is placed so that it faces your flying area.
To do this, first position your tracker so that the center pan position is pointing toward the center of your flying area (as shown in the figure below).
This direction corresponds to the 0 degrees pan direction that the EagleEyes learned when you calibrated your tracker. Then, you need to teach the
EagleEyes the true compass direction that the antenna will be facing if it was pointing in that direction. In the example below, this compass
direction is 315 degrees.
There are 3 ways to do this. Note that these steps DO NOT require that your antenna is actually panned toward the center position at the time the step
is done:
Manually setting the true magnetic compass reading at which the antenna is pointing, when it is centered. This is done via the “Set Zero Pan
Compass Reading” menu item in the EagleEyes setup stick menu. In the example below, “315” would be entered in this menu item. To use
this method, you will need a compass. A small magnetic compass can be permanently mounted on a nonmoving portion of your tracker to make
this easier. Or, most likely your mobile phone has a compass app available for download.
b) Positioning your model in front of your tracker, as far away as practical, at a point lined up with the center pan position of your tracker. To use
this option you must first ensure that the Vector has established its “home” GPS location. Then, move the model to a location as far away from
the antenna as practical, ensuring that the model placed on the imaginary line drawn from the center direction of the tracker. This location
corresponds with the location marked “X” in the figure below. Then, select the “Use Model Location as 0 Pan” menu item in the EagleEyes
setup stick menu, which will record the zero pan compass angle.
If you have enabled and calibrated the Vector’s magnetic compass, you can easily use the model’s present compass reading as your tracker’s 0
pan direction. To use this method, first place your model on the ground next to the tracker, and point your model so that the arrow on the
GPS/MAG’s label is pointing in the same direction your tracker is pointing when it is centered. This direction corresponds with the location
marked “X” in the figure below. Then, select the “Use Present Compass as 0 Pan” menu item in the EagleEyes setup stick menu, which will
record the zero pan compass angle.
The GPS Home Position
The EagleEyes must know its own GPS position as well as the model’s GPS position, to be able to track the model. The EagleEyes uses the Vector’s
GPS Home Position to know where it is located.
So, for correct tracker operation, the model’s GPS home position must be finalized very close to the tracker. Normally this is not an issue, since most
people power their models close to the tracker. But, if for some reason your model is powered away from your tracker, move the model near the
tracker, and use the “Reset Home Position” menu item to reset the position. Make sure that the home position is finalized before flying the model
away from the tracker.
Note: the “Use First Waypoint as Home” waypoint option should not be used when using the tracker.