Advanced Control Technologies Specs Instructions ZDP100 (RF CONTROLLED, 300W, 120 VAC,PLUG-IN LAMP MODULE) User Manual
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ZDP100 Instructions, Release 2.0
3. One set to control how fast the dim rate is when the dimmer receives an ALL ON or ALL OFF command
(parameter 11 and 12).
These values can be changed instantly to allow various scenes and effects.
The first of these parameters is the “dim step” parameter. It can be set to a value of 1 to 99. This value indicates
how many levels the dimmer will change when the timer (discussed next) expires.
The second parameter in the set is the timing parameter. It can be set to a value of 1 to 255.
This value indicates in 10 millisecond resolution, how often the dim level will change. For example, if you set this
parameter to 1, then every 10mS the dim level will change. If you set it to 255, then every 2.55 seconds the dim
level will change.
With the combination of the two parameters that can control the dim rate, the dimmer can be adjusted to dim from
maximum to minimum or minimum to maximum at various speeds between 10 millisecond and 252.45 seconds
(over 4.25 minutes).
On/Off Command dim rate (excluding ALL ON/ALL OFF commands)
Parameter 7
• Dim step Parameter (default = 1)
• Valid Values: 1-99
Parameter 8
• Dim timer Parameter (default = 3)
• Valid Values: 1-255
Local Control dim rate
Parameter 9
• Dim step Parameter (default = 1)
• Valid Values: 1-99
Parameter 10
• Dim timer Parameter (default = 3)
• Valid Values: 1-255
ALL ON/ALL OFF dim rate
Parameter 11
Dim step Parameter (default = 1)
Valid Values: 1-99
Parameter 12
Dim timer Parameter (default = 3)
Valid Values: 1-255
Each Configuration Parameter can be set to its default setting by setting the default bit in the Configuration Set
command. See your controller’s instructions on how to do this (and if it supports it).
All Configuration commands will be reset to their default state when the ZDP100 is reset from the Z-Wave system.
The ZDP100 supports the Powerlevel command.
The Powerlevel command allows controllers to set and get the RF transmit power level of a node and test specific
links between nodes with specific RF transmit power. Refer to your controller’s instructions, if it supports this
command, for more information. This command is typically used by professional installers.
The ZDP100 supports the Powerlevel command.
The ZDP100 can return version information about itself and the commands it supports. Refer to your controller’s
instructions on how to get this information from the ZDP100. The following is the version information for the