Advanced Control Technologies Specs Instructions ZDP100 (RF CONTROLLED, 300W, 120 VAC,PLUG-IN LAMP MODULE) User Manual
Page 4

ZDP100 Instructions, Release 2.0
Suspend Group 4
Parameter No: 2
Length: 1 Byte
Valid Values = 0 or 1 (default 0)
It is possible that you may only want the units in Group 4 to track when the dimmer is being turned ON and OFF
and not when dimming.
Disable Group 4 During a Dim Command
Parameter 13
Length: 1 Byte
Valid Values = 0 or 1 (default 0)
After the ZDP100 is commanded to stop dimming, it will then command the Z-Wave devices in Group 4 to the
ZDP100’s new level. To prevent the ZDP100 from commanding the Z-Wave devices in Group 4 during this
particular occurrence, set Parameter 13 to the value of 1.
You may wish to disable transmitting commands to Z-Wave devices that are in Group 4 without “disasso-
ciating” those devices from the group. Setting parameter 2 to the value of 1 will stop the ZDP100 from transmitting
to devices that are “associated” into Group 4.
Parameter 3
Not Used
Parameter 4
Not Used
Ignore Start Level When Receiving Dim Commands
Parameter No: 5
Length: 1 Byte
Valid Values = 0 or 1 (default 0)
The ZDP100 can be set to ignore the start level that is part of the dim command, regardless of whether the
command itself is telling the dimmer to ignore the start level or not ignore the start level embedded in the command
(see Parameter 1). Setting parameter 5 to a value of 1 will cause the ZDP100 to ignore the start level and cause
it to dim or brighten from its current level.
Don’t Send Level Command After Transmitting Dim Commands
Parameter 6
Length: 1 Byte
Valid Values = 0 or 1 (default 0)
When you press and hold the button once on the ZDP100, the Z-Wave devices that are associated into Group
1 are sent the Dim command. After you release the button, the ZDP100 follows up by commanding the devices
to go to the same level of the ZDP100. The user has the ability to stop the ZDP100 from commanding the Z-Wave
devices to do this by setting parameter 6 to a value of 1.
Adjusting Dim Rate
Parameter 7-12
Length: 1 Byte
Valid Values: (See below)
There are 3 sets of parameters that can adjust the dimming rate of the ZDP100.
1. One set to control how fast the dim rate is when the dimmer receives a Z-Wave command, excluding ALL
ON or ALL OFF command (Parameter 7 and 8).
2. One set to control how fast the dim rate is when the dimmer is locally controlled (Parameter 9 and 10).