Advanced Control Technologies Specs Instructions ZDP100 (RF CONTROLLED, 300W, 120 VAC,PLUG-IN LAMP MODULE) User Manual
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ZDP100 Instructions, Release 2.0
high current that results may cause the dimmer to respond by turning off. Should this happen, replace the bulb
with a new one. The dimmer can now be operated to restore power to the light.
Remote Control
The ZDP100 will respond to BASIC and MULTILEVEL commands that are part of the Z-Wave system. Refer to
your controller’s instructions as to whether your controller can transmit those commands.
See the information in the section titled Version for a complete list of commands the ZDP100 will support.
A Z-Wave™ network can integrate devices of various classes, and these devices can be made by different
manufacturers. The ZDP100 can be incorporated into existing Z-Wave™ networks.
The button on the face of the ZDP100 can be used to carry out inclusion, association, or exclusion.
The ZDP100 supports the Protection Command.
The ZDP100 can be set to 1 of 3 Protection modes by a wireless controller. Refer to your controller for information
on how to set the various modes of Protection. Some controllers may only be able to set certain settings of
There are 3 modes of Protection:
1. No Protection
2. Child Protection
3. Button totally disabled
When Protection is set to “No Protection” mode, the ZDP100 works normally.
When Protection is set to “Child Protection” mode, you will have to press the button 3 times rapidly to toggle the
attached load. Tap the button twice then press and hold it to dim or brighten the attached load. The ZDP100
operates normally when controlled by a wireless controller.
When Protection is set to “Enable Total Protection” mode, the button will not work. You will be able to turn the load
on and off only with a wireless controller, however the button can still be used to access the Z-Wave network.
All On/All Off
The ZDP100 supports the ALL ON/ ALL OFF commands.
The ZDP100 can be set to respond to ALL ON and ALL OFF commands 4 different ways.
Refer to your controller for information on how to set the ZDP100 to operate in the manner you desire. Some
controllers may be only able to set certain settings of ALL ON/ALL OFF response.
The 4 different ways the ZDP100 can be setup to respond to ALL ON and ALL OFF commands are:
ZDP100 will not respond to ALL ON or the ALL OFF command.
ZDP100 will respond to ALL OFF command but will not respond to ALL ON command.
ZDP100 will respond to ALL ON command but will not respond to ALL OFF command.
ZDP100 will respond to ALL ON and the ALL OFF command.
The ZDP100 supports the Association command.
The ZDP100 can be set to control other Z-Wave devices. You can turn on and off, and even dim other Z-Wave
devices once they are “associated” into 1 of 4 groups within the ZDP100.
Each group is turned on or off (or dimmed) by tapping or holding the buttons a differing amount of times.
If you associate a Z-Wave device into Group 1, you can turn that device on and off by tapping the button once.
The load attached to the ZDP100 will also turn on or off. You can brighten or dim devices by holding down the
button. The load attached will also brighten or dim.