Advanced Control Technologies Specs Instructions ZDP100 (RF CONTROLLED, 300W, 120 VAC,PLUG-IN LAMP MODULE) User Manual

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ZDP100 Instructions, Release 2.0






If you associate a Z-Wave device into Group 2, you can turn that device on and off by tapping the button twice.
You can brighten or dim devices by tapping the button once and then holding the button down. The load attached
to the ZDP100 is not affected.
If you associate a Z-Wave device into Group 3, you can turn that device on and off by tapping the button three times.
You can brighten or dim devices by tapping the button twice and then holding the button down. The load attached
to the ZDP100 is not affected.
Only associate transmitters or controllers into Group 4. Group 4 should be used only to update a transmitter or
controller on the status of the ZDP100 which might have been controlled from another device.
You can associate up to 5 Z-Wave devices into each of these groups.
For instructions on how to “associate” a Z-Wave device into one of these groups, refer to your wireless controller
instructions. (If you are using the ZTH100 controller, refer to the Setup Menu, Association section).
A note about dimming, if you combine Z-Wave enabled dimmers and other types of Z-Wave devices in a group,
place a Z-Wave enabled dimmer into the empty group 1


to ensure that the dimming operates correctly.

Routing Support

The ZDP100 is a routing slave
The Z-Wave devices that are “associated” into Group 2 or Group 3 can be commanded from the ZDP100 via
repeater nodes. In other words, the command can be routed through nodes that are in between the Z-Wave device
you are trying to control and the ZDP100.
This routing via repeater nodes only needs to occur when the Z-Wave device you are trying to control and the
ZDP100 are not within direct range of each other. You will be able to determine this is the case, if, after “associating”
a Z-Wave device into a group you cannot control it with the ZDP100.
For Group 2 and Group 3, if you cannot control the Z-Wave device directly from the ZDP100, you must tell the
ZDP100 what other Z-Wave devices are in between it and the Z-Wave device you are trying to control. You must
use a controller to do this so refer to your controller’s instructions on how to tell the ZDP100 this information. This
is sometimes called “Assigning Routes”. Caution: you do not want to do this unnecessarily because the ZDP100
is limited to communicating to 5 Z-Wave devices via repeater nodes. So first, be sure to determine you cannot
control the device directly from the ZDP100 because you can communicate up to 25 Z-Wave devices (5 in each
group) from the ZDP100 without the use of repeater nodes.

Z-Wave devices that you associate into Group 1 cannot be commanded through repeater nodes.
Z-Wave devices that you associate into Group 2 can be commanded through repeater nodes.
Z-Wave devices that you associate into Group 3 can be commanded through repeater nodes.
Z-Wave devices that you associate into Group 4 cannot be commanded through repeater nodes.

There can be up to 4 nodes between the ZDP100 and the Z-Wave device you are trying to command.


The ZDP100 supports the Configuration command.
The ZDP100 can be configured to operate slightly differently than it works when you first install it. Using the
configuration command you can configure the following:
Set Ignore Start Level Bit When Transmitting Dim Command

• Suspend Group 4

You can also use a ZTH100 to send Configuration commands. (Refer to the Setup Menu, Configuration section)
Set Ignore Start Level Bit When Transmitting Dim Commands

Parameter No: 1

Length: 1 Byte

Valid Values = 0 or 1 (default 0)

The ZDP100 can send Dim commands to Z-Wave enabled dimmers. The Dim command has a start level
embedded in it. A dimmer receiving this command will start dimming from that start level. However, the command
also has a bit that indicates whether the dimmer should ignore the start level. If the bit is set to 1, the dimmer will
ignore the start level and instead start dimming from its current level. To set this bit, configure this parameter to
the value of 1.