Section 1: base, Enum type, Deliverables – ADLINK aTCA-N700 User Manual

Page 12: Status_t

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Switch Manager API Programming Guide



The ADLINK Switch Manager Library package (adSwitchLib-x.x.x.tar.gz) provides the following

software components

Include: Header files of the ADLINK Switch Manager library


Static library including the API functions listed in this document


Binary files for controlling the switch system

Example: Application demo to show usage of the APIs provided

ReadMe: The release notes for different library revisions

Section 1: Base

This section describes the macro, enum, struct and function for fundamentals. They are defined

in the header file “adlink_api_base.h”.

Enum Type


typedef enum status


ADLINK_E_NONE = 0, /*no error*/

ADLINK_E_PARA = -1, /*parameter error*/

ADLINK_E_RESOURCE = -2, /*no available resource*/

ADLINK_E_EXIST = -3, /*item already exists*/

ADLINK_E_FIND = -4, /*item not found*/

ADLINK_E_SOCKET = -5, /*socket error*/

ADLINK_E_MALLOC = -6, /* mem allocation failed*/

ADLINK_E_OPEN = -7, /* open/fopen failed*/

ADLINK_E_OTHER = -8, /* Error other than above*/


ADLINK_E_SERVER_BASE = -128,/*base error code for server returned*/


This enum describes the return codes of the APIs. They are defined in “adlink_api_base.h”.

Table 1-1 shows the meaning of each error code.