ADLINK PXI-2502 User Manual
Page 42

• Operation Theoreym
DLY2_Counter in iterative Waveform Generation
To expand the flexibility of Iterative Waveform Generation, DLY2_counter
was implemented to separate consecutive waveform generations.
The DLY2_counter starts counting down right after a single waveform
generation is completed. When it reaches zero, the next iteration of
waveform generation will start as shown in Figure 4.2.3. If users are
generating waveform piece-wisely, the next piece of waveform will be
generated. The DLY2_counter clock source can be software selected from
Internal 40MHz Timebase, external clock input (AFI-0), or GPTC output
0/1. Stop Modes
Users can stop waveform generation while it is still in progress, either by
hardware or software trigger. The stop trigger sources can be software
selected from Internal software trigger, external digital trigger (AFI-0/1), or
analog trigger. Three stop modes are provided to stop finite or infinite
waveform generation.
Stop M ode I
After a mode I stop trigger is asserted, the waveform generation stops
immediately. Figure 4.2.9 illustrates an example.
Stop M ode II
After a mode II stop trigger is asserted, the waveform generation continues
to generate a complete waveform then stops the operation. Take Figure
4.2.10 as an example. Since UC_counter is set to 4, the total generated
data points must be a multiple of 4.
Users can check WFG_in_progress (waveform generation in progress)
status by software read-back to confirm the stop of a waveform generation.
Stop M ode III
After a mode III stop trigger is asserted, the waveform generation contin-
ues until the iterative number of waveforms specified in IC_Counter is
completed. Take Figure 4.2.11 for example. Since IC_Counter is set to 3,
the total generated waveforms must be a multiple of 3.
Users can check WFG_in_progress (waveform generation in progress)
status by software read-back to confirm the stop of a waveform generation.