Dm620, Dm630, Dm640 – Bowers & Wilkins DM630 User Manual
Page 12: Listenins and record sussestions, Luister — en muzieksusgesties, Susserìmentì d ascolto, Schallplattenempfehlunsen, Sugsestions d'écoutes de disques, Sugerencias para audición
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two-w«/, lour^ordn
di^tul mofvior
With bi-wirin^‘'b«-dmptilic«iion
foU pbled ierm>n«h «nd >ow- moulded srille lieme One 200mm (B^ be»/nvdr*nse with fiftd d»e cluivi, retnlofced pdy' propylene dMphf« 9 m «nd 3!mm (IRtn) Kr^h-tempeijture vo Keptoo fo«m<( One 26mm Cm) hriWieQuefley meui dome, hi^lvtemperetufe voice cod end me^netk (kod cooling - 6 dB at 44Hi and 30liHi 58Ht io20hH}±2dB on fderence avn Hofuonial 605mm (23 6 bottom ol c^net Wiihm ± 2 d 8 ol tetponje orweletence axil 20Hxtol5iHi Wfiical' ovtrlO’arc 90dB(2 83Vlm) Nominal 80 (not fating be'ow 40) 3VHi 3O6litrei(IO8cui0 Suitable (or ampidren with 25W to lOOW output coolinvoui mto 80 on 0109 amme Hei$h( 742mm (22.2rn) I4 2ki(3l2lb) DM630 Floor itandm^, th«ee-wa>c fourth-order, with brwvinr> 9 /b<-ampUKation lacilityi plated lermmah arid lovr- ddfr action moul^d ydle frame Two 200nun (Bin) baii/midran^ with '»^d die chaiui. icmlorced pofy- propjrleoe d^oKra^m and 31mm (I2in) with meta' dome. hijKaemperaib'e voice cod and masnetc Hud coofirv^ - 6 dBai 40Hiand 3(XHz S3Hrio20tHi±2d8 on refetence «xit hloruontal: 710mm ^ 8 m) from bottom of cabinet Withm z 2 d 8 of reiponte on reference axn Horizontal over 40*arc Wrt 91d8 (2,83 V, I 1 .O Nominal 80 (not faHin; below 40) 400Hiand3UHi 52 4 kireiOSScu h) Surfable lor ampldieri 2 SW to ISOW output contmuout into 80 on undilorted tpeech and muK programme Height 850mm (33.5m) 19 218 (42 21b) DM640 Floor Uardms, three-way. íourth-orde», variable perl, bau reflex diÿtal moniiot tyilcm with bi-wemii/bi-ampIdKation iacdily. 9 o(d plated terminals and lew- ■ddliaction moulded 9 nlle frame Two 200mm (8«n) bass with nçid 31mm (L2m) hi^tempcrature «orce •cod on Kapton former. One 160nwn (6.5m) midran8e w>th ri^d d>c chassis. Kevlar diaphra^n and 3lmm (12m) ht8h-temperatwe voice cod on Kapton (ormer One 26mm (Im) fv8h- With metal donve, ht8h' temperature vo cod and ma8nei< fluid сооЬп8 -ödBat 35Hi and ЗОкНх 46Hzto20kHr±2dB on lefcrertce am Horizontal 830mm (32.7m) from bottom of cabinet Wahm ± 2сЙ of lespome on reference am 20Hziol5kHz 91d8(283Vlm) Nommai eO (not faims below 40) 300Hiand3kHi (LF) 563 hires C2.Ocu.f0 Swlablc (or amohben with 2SW to 150 W output cortimuous mto 80 on undntorted speech and тик pioyamme l-leiSht 965mm (38.0m) Wdth 236mm (9.3m) 24.(Xs(S23]b) Listenins and record sussestions X hjt 8 iW 600 Senes wJ tate you a giant step nearer to Irstcrsing to the music rather than to the loudspealeis Vbu wJ hear much more of the desirable ambience and detail m good rccordingt unfortunately the faults in lecoid'rrgs wdl also be revealed BjtW have produced three special con^sact disc recordings that system They are available from your dealer Luister — en muzieksusgesties Uw BeW 600 Senes Kwdsprexer rs een g^antischr stap plaals van naa* iuvdsprelicrs Uhoortveelmeetgewenste dirpic en deuih S'] goedr opnames fowlen van siechte Susserìmentì d ascolto I vostro interna BaW deio Sene 600 vono al'ascolto defla musascolterete molto d> pni dela spanaiità e dei dettagli e«ifre mcmoni purtoppo verranno evidenziati 1 ditetii delle regntrazioni scadenti B a W ha prodotto tre compact due spectak che vi con- senteanno dr apprezzare a pieno 1 vostri diffusor- Sono disponibili preuo il vostro rivenditore. Schallplattenempfehlunsen Ihr B#W-Ser«e 600-Laulsprecher brmgi Sie wieder eingroBet Stuck weiter auf dem Weg zu> perfekten Aufrsahmertz.B hmsrchlhdiderraumhchcnDamellung w>e auch der imtrumenuien Staffelung sehr viel mefv Aufnahmen auch d< Aufnahmefehler deutkh heraus- horen B&W hat deshalb drei spezielle CDi produziert aufnahmetechmsch wie auch in der Interpretation ah hervorragend gehen Diese COs sm be- ßuem BftW- Hán^r erhälthch Sugsestions d'écoutes de disques \btrr système DM62CV63CV640 vom rapprochera pM ms retsentaez davareage tous les détoh qm créent i'atmov phere avec rie bons dsquet. malheureusemeni les défauts Sugerencias para audición Su Sistema 8 dW Serie 600 le harän riar un paso gigan tesco en su accicamienio hacq U audioôn de la música y no de los ahavocei Usted podrá oa mucho mas la oones. Cuya oferta, desafortunadamente es not^e- mente pobre 6 áW ha producido tres grabaciones especiales en compact diK que le permitirán dishutai con total apreoacíón de su nuevo sistema Están BW001 BW 0 OÎ BW003 BW005 0WOOÓ BW007 BW004 BWOO 8
Horizontal, over 40®a*c
undntorted ipeech and muuc
Width 236mm (9.3in)
Depth- 302mm (Il9in)
variable porL bail reflex distal meoito'
hi^h lemperalure vo
Wdth 236mm (9.3m)
Depth 407mm 06.0r^
Honzontal ov«»40“arc
Vntical Over locare
(MF) 3.0 lares (0.tcu.ft)
Depth: 407mm 060in)
wdl enable you to enjoy a hiK appreciation of yow new
voorwaaits op hei geb>ed van Iwstmen пмг muzieli m
opnarnes worden echter oolc duidehjli hoorbaar
BâW beeh drie speciale CD’s geproducceid. waarmee
u vededig van uw meuwe systeem hunt genieten Ze nm
veiluifgbaai bg uw Icveranoer
Reproduktion von Musik S
Details wahrrtehmen als bisher. aHmdings bei schlechten
dir MustUseispielc enthält, die sowohl klanghch und
de la Muwque que d'une reproduction hibitviele V
des enregistrements 'moyens' seront aussi audibles
atmósfera deseable y los detaHet en las buenas graba
disponibles en su proveedor