Important precautions, Piécè thé tréadmîll pn »ny:io(fi – NordicTrack NTL21905.0 User Manual
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^^RNING »■■Tp^recliJce-the'fisk burn:s,'tlre,'elççtrïçs
tollowî-og: important ■precautibiis anÿ: inforniàtjan' b.efore:operating the; tread'
lt is:ths;Ve.spònslfeil:ity pfthe.':óiyn:éhto;en;s%^
that ali-ysefs of :this;trëadfnîll. arfe-adequatelyV
U'se' the trfeadmi'il :oní:y;-ás'descri'be:d-;in'thís
'.manoal..' / .■ .■ .■ .■ : ' / V ' /
■3,■piacfe: the treadmill; on 'a; l;eyei:surfaee, with;at- ^
1east;eight:feet-of'.clearan'ëe tìe.Hmd it, itwo feet
:o0', an'd;s;ÌX:inchés.ìh-.frònt,:Do:nót;-^ • • •.
■piécè tHé tréadmîll Pn »ny:io(fi
i i i
ínjú-ry id -persohsi-feàd; í.hé:|
F:a-ilure'lo.ysea-:p:rop'erly'funçiîon|n:g surg'e;-
s'y'Pprfeësor.cGüldTesultin damage to-thé'con--
troíièystérh ;df;нh.й;tréádmn' If-therçon-trôl ^.sys
tem;is: darriaged,:the \valkirig .beit^ may-sháo'g'e:
speed,- aapeJer'áté, 'or 'stdp ünexpected-lÿi ; ; ■ ; '
whlchVmay. result' in-'a- fall. ànd;sèr-io;ys;ihjüfy,;'
12, ;Kèep the: power cord and 1lié: surg;e sypp-ves-
sor away frDiri' heatsd: surfaces, -/; ;;■■ / / / ' . - V
- air: openings:to;'¿tó^
;- ;- ;- ;- ;- J:tumed;ofi. ;not
from .darnage, place/aVmat-'under
-4;: -■.Kéep::the-нr:й;ad;rhin- iriddors/a-way
the -treadmill ■: ■: ■: *é'PQwér;cord gr:-p!üg,ls':d-ám;a-ged,:'órdí;the
....................... ■......... ' treadrn;ili-js nòi':wQ:rkmg;prop.érìy;(S6^
froni 'ùlò'i s-
ture: and/düst/;.put;the-:treádW 'in-a ; ;; ;;;;/miiÍ js :ript w
;gárage-;dr coyeréd- p'átíp, or- near-water.. ; /v . y v v y / - :j4..-gead, ;Un.dérstànd|ÌÉÌ3ÌÌilÌÌÌ;мМмМ
......... . . . . . . . . . .
stop. prQC6dUre\bèîorë-using ■Îhë4
o:. : 'Do/notgpefate. the tread'iìiil-l where «'eroso] / ;
OPERAtlGW'on' page-13)..-.................
'............. . . . . . . . . . .
.'Ksepoh';un;deT;the:age pf'.1-2':and'.peis-.
.'áwa.y:frd'rri''.the:'tfeadmíll .at:á'l.í'.tirnes.^ : ■/ v.' ;
7;:.-t:he tréád-nTilÍ-.s:h0ü|d;not>,}e.Ussd;by:person:S
': w'ëigMfig' îTîôr6--than':4G:0;paund's'.; Mfever;ail.ów-
rë tha:n-.o:n.è: pér^on; ón-the trëa.drnill át;:a..tirrié.
I.ByNevér start the: tféad.rnill-'VíHí .:arë stand-.
jng;Qn' the y¥álk;i:ng':helt'.: Áiv'/ays-'hpíd'thé-
.ha.ndra.rís: while-úsing ih'é.tréádrn:!].].. V;.: ;
.16..-Ttlé :tréa.dmlil is'cápabié'.pf-h'igh::Spé6ds,
/.-; : the: sp:secl.:in-:sm:all incrsms'rtts't.o-avóíd
VsuddérrJu;rnps'.iri:S:pé.ed:.; -: -: -;..'///.y: yV.
^.Wéaf.'appr.opr.i.àte exercise' clothes'wheti'
.:';'th6: tïeadrn.i!!.; Dd;npt.weàTl;ooSe: clothes'
:that;cipuid b'ëéome':'caught:in. the^tread.mi'n .- ; ; ;
.AthieticVsyppori :G'lpthés'.afe Tec.omrrïëndéd: ■ ; ; :
.Never US0 -iiïetrëâkmMwM
■' fee.ù:Wèar/ng-onfv^^
or in sandals. ; ;- :-
'.-l-yvThè'pulse sen&ors ara^noí 'med'ical deyicss, -
Va'rip'üs.factors,:'îri'çlüding: thè,uséns-hió'ye-.-'
;;y: :mè:nt/^rna.y'affeët.:th6 accuracy 'óf'.heart.r-ate';
;';';'..':rfeàding's..'Th'e'pulse, s'ensors-are. intèndfed;
Gtii.y.'as 'án -exercise: aids
ratë;:irénds;]n^.g.e;n'é:râf.; ; ;
in deierrninîhg.'h.e'èri.-
: 9..-: Whenvcorsnèctîng^tlie: power çord^iâee pa'gs.i;3),.
: ': ': ': plug 'theipQwer .có'rd.i'nttì.a:Surge':Sti:pp'ress:or; ■
;.;.;.; .;inqt: mc|'ijdsd)rand p'lug' t-hë.-sürge^ syppr.e'ssçir - ;
: : : : :intò.a-:grGynd.6.d. з о f c y f t ç.a'p-ablfe of çÉfry]ng;i
■■.■■.■■.■■.grm'oré: arnps.Mo 'ot.her'applîanc'ë--sh'oyld hë-on^
': ': ': '; пh'л sàme.circùlt.-.-p.óVnot'.ysé^:an-'exteri'si.qh'eQ.rd,^
: i'ë, Never; lea-vél th.é; tréadm'll]^ .unattended: w.hiie'it
is^Gunning..Always remPve thë:.key^"U;np!u|t|;||
the 'power bord,-and :inPV-e-.thë'resfet/off:;c|rbl|i
'breaker td.the “off’ 'posltipn'wheh;ihè:treàd>g:
:mi:i:ns-'n0tj:n-;use, fSeè; the:'draw]'nig:'o:n:page;8:
for tfife: iocation^pf th© 'circuit breaker^)-.-.- .;ys
1.9-..Dpm.ot àttémpttO:ra:ise,:'low;e'r,:'or:nïové-'thë'/
'y'' /. '.--
/ .'V'.-' ''
-' ''
tréà lù'ntil.'it'îs^ prDpsriv-'assèmbléd-.: (Seé
.l-ÔyUse pnly'a.':sjn§lê-out]et..surge'süppressQ that ; ; ; ; ; ; :. ÀSSËMBLY.'on pade'?; ahd'^NGW-TO FOLD :' :'
; y;the-.spëcificaiiQn:s; despr on ; - ; V.-; .-; ^:^-p. ÿovE'THE tRÈÂ'blVllLL:'oh' page28.). ':- v
■;ï;::Page t 3 . , T p ; p u r c h a s e - . a / s u r g e s u p p r e s s o r , : b è a b l e ' t o ' b a f e l y l i f t 4 5 ' p D - y n d s ' i 2 d -
.yG.ii;r Ipcaj: Nordic Track d:ëalé.r.' o.r;eai!.-t-h.e' toll-. '.......................................................................................
;th'is::martúa:rahd Prdèr-p-artTiümber; 146148, :Of.
: kg');ío:ráisé,dówe'r;ór.ihov' írs:ad:mn:i, :
.20. .When lo'l.dlng'lor mp'ying:the.treadhiill,:Triake ;
-:see'y:oorJó:carfe.iéctronlcs -store.-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:sufe;.that;the;st0.rage.latc'h;is"fully.clGsed..-